Domain name is a unique internet address allowing you to find your website in the Internet space.
“Domain name” stands for an identification sign comprised of:
A domain that ends with .ge and a second-level domain on its left, separated by dot (e.g.; or
A domain that ends with .ge and a general domain on its left, separated by dot (e.g.
For more information, follow the link (what is a domain name?)
Domain names with the following endings are valid for registration in GE-zone on terms specified thereto: - can only be registered under the name of any natural person or legal entity; - can only be registered under the name of general educational institutions/schools and higher educational institutions; - can only be registered under the name of non-commercial organizations; - can only be registered under the name of organizations which are network providers or their activities are related to electronic communications; - can only be registered under the name of private individuals; - can only be registered under the name of general educational institutions/schools;
Domain name can be registered by both resident and non-resident adult natural person or/and legal entity.
The registrant selects a registrar for the registration of a domain name. The list of registrars is available on the registry’s website.
Since domain names are alphabetic, they are easy to remember. However, the Internet is actually based on IP addresses (numeric string). Every time when using a domain name, the DNS service translates it into the corresponding IP address.
For instance, when you enter in the search bar, your Internet Service Provider identifies the DNS associated with the particular domain name and translates it into the corresponding IP address (numeric string) to access the desired webpage.
Domain transfer is a process of transferring domain name from one registrar to another. According to the renewed.GE domain registration and administration rules, Caucasus Online only retains the function of .GE country code top-level domain registry, which means that the company’s sphere of reference shall no longer include the domain name registration and service fee payments. Therefore, domain names from Caucasus Online shall be mandatorily transferred until April 16, 2019.
Click on the link to see the instruction for the process of transferring: (domain transfer)
To get a transfer (EPP) code, the registrant must enter the personal profile on the registry’s website, select a domain name for transferring and click the “transfer code generation” button. This option generates a transfer code that consists of 12 character combination of digits and letters.
Click on the link to see the instruction: (domain transfer)
Domain transfer is free. The registrant shall only pay the subscription fee set by the registrar.